2014 Black Friday Deals Canon FAXPHONE L190 Laser Multifunction Printer - Monochrome - Plain Don't Miss
Canon FAXPHONE L190 Laser Multifunction Printer - Monochrome - Plain is really nice on exactly what it actually does. Keep you money and time with purchase at highly regarded online stores.
Price : $230.50 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon, Inc
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : f5d3655a1ce0d6185fab9704aaab328a
Rating :
In the event that you are usually considering to buying item with a great quality and also a practical price. We highly recommended Canon FAXPHONE L190 Laser Multifunction Printer - Monochrome - Plain is among top-notch and even more popular item item that you are looking for. Also if you examine it carefully regarding item description, attributes and practical customer overviews, certainly you must not refuse to get it one. You can examine the current price via the web link below.
![Canon FAXPHONE L190 Laser Multifunction Printer - Monochrome - Plain](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
Canon FAXPHONE L190 Laser Multifunction Printer - Monochrome - Plain Description
Consolidate all of your needs into just one machine - Fax, Print and CopyDesigned for use in home and small offices, the FAXPHONE L190 is a compact laser fax machine that delivers on speed and quality. The L190 incorporates the latest fax capabilities as well as a fast laser print engine and two-sided faxing, printing and copying capabilities. Manufacturer: Canon, Inc Manufacturer Part Number: 6356B002AA Manufacturer Website Address: http://www.usa.canon.com Brand Name: Canon Product Line: FAXPHONE Product Model: L190 Product Name: FAXPHONE L190 Multifunction Printer Product Type: Laser Multifunction Printer Technical Information: Multifunction Devices: Copier/Fax/Printer Technical Information: Recommended Use: Plain Paper Print Technical Information: Print Color: Monochrome Technical Information: Duplex Printing: Automatic Interfaces/Ports: USB: Yes Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: LCD Copier: Copier Type: Flatbed Copier: Copy Color: Monochrome Fax: Fax Color: Monochrome Media Types & Handling: Media Type: Transparency Media Types & Handling: Media Size: Monarch Envelope Physical Characteristics: Form Factor: Desktop Package Contents: FAXPHONE L190 Multifunction Printer1 x Black Starter CartridgeSetup InstructionsPower CordTelephone CableTelephone HandsetRegistration CardManualsSoftware CDWarranty Card Platform Supported: PC Green Compliant: Yes Green Compliance Certificate/Authority: ENERGY STAR
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