Black Friday 2014 Deals Canon imageCLASS (R) MF9220Cdn Color Laser All-In-One Printer, Copier, Scanner, Fax
Can be a safe in comparison item functionalities and price. This Canon imageCLASS (R) MF9220Cdn Color Laser All-In-One Printer, Copier, Scanner, Fax is an excellent substitute for decide to purchase. Hot Deal Canon imageCLASS (R) MF9220Cdn Color Laser All-In-One Printer, Copier, Scanner, Fax
Price : $1495.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : c51d77b76ea5817719aac12826f3e75a
Rating :
The item attributes are exceptional and fulled of premium quality of Canon imageCLASS (R) MF9220Cdn Color Laser All-In-One Printer, Copier, Scanner, Fax is the weighty reason that makes it among the product you may obtain owned. Along with, it is likewise friendly budget to your budgets too. You could check the complete product summary and look at extra advertisings that have already been improved through the site through click the link below. You might possibly find the stimulating deal and you could not reject it, want you have the exceptional price.
Canon imageCLASS (R) MF9220Cdn Color Laser All-In-One Printer, Copier, Scanner, Fax Description
Speedy and versatile - for today's fast-paced business user Prints up to 22 pages per minute in color or black & white. Wired network ready so the whole workgroup can share. Automatic 2-sided printing saves paper costs. 50-sheet auto document feeder for convenient drop-and-go copying, scanning and faxing. 250-sheet main paper tray, plus a 100-sheet multipurpose tray. 3.5-inch color panel with Easy-Scroll Wheel for quick navigation through tasks. Up to 600 x 600 dpi resolution for rich color and easy-to-read text. Energy Star compliant. Adheres to the EPA's Energy Star standards, to keep energy consumption and operating costs as low as possible. Canon imageCLASS (R) MF9220Cdn Color Laser All-In-One Printer, Copier, Scanner, Fax is one of many Color Laser All-In-Ones available through Office Depot. Made by Canon.
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