Black Friday Sales Canon imageFORMULA DR-2020U Duplex Document Scanner Don't Miss
Canon imageFORMULA DR-2020U Duplex Document Scanner is truly high quality at just what it does. Help you save money and time with actually purchase at responsible sites online.
Price : $687.10 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon USA
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Product ID : e532915c318e8854f438c32498ba33b3
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In case that you are likely taking into consideration to buying product with a good quality and a sensible spending plan. We strongly suggested Canon imageFORMULA DR-2020U Duplex Document Scanner is among high quality and additional prominent product item that you are searching for. Also if you examine it thoroughly about product specification, attributes and handy customer evaluations, obviously you need to not refuse to get it one. You can take a look at the recent price through the hyperlink here.
![Canon imageFORMULA DR-2020U Duplex Document Scanner](
Canon imageFORMULA DR-2020U Duplex Document Scanner Description
Canon imageFORMULA DR-2020U Universal Office Document Scanner Dimensions: 7.1" x 17.3" x 15.7" Weight: 17.2 lbs. Light Source: CCFL Scanning Speed: Black-and-white: Simplex: 20 ppm / Duplex: 40 ipm Grayscale: Simplex: 20 ppm / Duplex: 40 ipm Color (24 bit) : Simplex: 20 ppm / Duplex: 20 ipm Max. Document Size: 8.5" x 14" Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) : Yes Power Consumption: 33W or Less Energy Saving Mode: 3.7W or Less Features: Auto Page Size Detection Border Removal Custom Color Dropout / Enhance Color Deskew Double-feed Detection Punch Hole Removal Text Orientation Recognition
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