Black Friday Sales 2014 Canon imageFORMULA DR-C130 (6583B002) Duplex Document Scanner Right Now
Canon imageFORMULA DR-C130 (6583B002) Duplex Document Scanner available on the market presently, only just notice the latest selling prices comparison coupled with shipping available for aid you in getting the best selection.
Price : $630.02 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon USA
Merchant :
Product ID : cc28c65ca063caf22992652f558b3245
Rating :

One of great item is offer Canon imageFORMULA DR-C130 (6583B002) Duplex Document Scanner confirmed through a great deal of feedbacks from real customers confirmed that Canon imageFORMULA DR-C130 (6583B002) Duplex Document Scanner is really good and functional item and actually worth the money that they paid. If you have any sort of problems concerning the attributes of the product or want to examine the current price of the product. Right now click the hyperlink here, you shall find a really good prices that indisputable.

Canon imageFORMULA DR-C130 (6583B002) Duplex Document Scanner Description
Canon imageFORMULA DR-C130 Document Scanner Dimensions: 11.7" (H) x 6.3" (W) x 6.3" (D) (with trays closed) Weight: 3.97 lbs. Light Source: RGB LED Scanning Speed: Simplex: 30 ppm / Duplex: 60 ipm Max. Document Size: 8.5" x 14" Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) : Yes USB Ports: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Power Consumption: 15W max. (Energy Saving Mode: 1.8W)
Along with the most important details you have to work on before you make a decision to acquire Canon imageFORMULA DR-C130 (6583B002) Duplex Document Scanner is to check out client evaluations in regard to this product from authentic users. To see information on how they have a review referring to this product, what exactly is their happy and not pleased with this product. By doing this you shall recognize that are you need this item seriously, All that is essential information that you must not ignore.