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Canon PGI220BK Combo-Pack Ink Cartridges CNMPGI220BK3PK

Hot Deal Canon PGI220BK Combo-Pack Ink Cartridges CNMPGI220BK3PK
Price : $46.53 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : d53167e0024081d68f49ff8fdb095bec
Rating :

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Canon PGI220BK Combo-Pack Ink Cartridges CNMPGI220BK3PK

Canon PGI220BK Combo-Pack Ink Cartridges CNMPGI220BK3PK Description

Ink cartridges are designed for use with Canon iP3600, iP4600, iP4700, MP560, MP620, MP640, MP980, MP990, MX860 and MX870. CNMPGI220BK3PK. PGI220BK3PK. Canon Canon PGI220BK Combo-Pack Ink Cartridges. Country Of Origin: Japan Recycled: No Recycled Content: 0% Post-consumer-waste% : 0% Assembly Required: No Compatibility: Canon Printers: iP3600iP4600Canon PIXMA Printers: iP3600iP4600MP560MP620 WirelessMP980 WirelessMX860 Wireless Manufacturer: Canon, Inc Product Model: PGI-220BK Print Color: Black Print Technology: Inkjet Manufacturer Part Number: PGI220BK3PK Manufacturer Website Address: http://www. usa. canon dot com

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This Item Available from 1 Store

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Canon PGI220BK Combo-Pack Ink Cartridges CNMPGI220BK3PK
Merchant : Walmart
price as of : 2014-11-07