Black Friday 2014 Canon PIXMA iP7220 Inkjet Printer - Color - 9600 x 2400 dpi Print - P Don't Miss
Canon PIXMA iP7220 Inkjet Printer - Color - 9600 x 2400 dpi Print - P is extremely an excellent products for a excellent total price, worth the cost. Truly joyful.
Price : $98.66 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon, Inc
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Product ID : e3dab7b78769ca7ec1f82a2cae138229
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Canon PIXMA iP7220 Inkjet Printer - Color - 9600 x 2400 dpi Print - P Description
Wireless inkjet photo printer delivers superior quality, versatility, quick printing speeds and a compact footprint. Print 15 black/white inches per minute and 10 color inches per minute with up 9600 x 2400 dpi. The maximum size for borderless printing is 8-1/2 x 14. Connectivity includes Wireless LAN and USB 2.0. Individual ink tanks let you replace only the color that runs out rather than an entire cartridge containing unused ink. Network-ready Pixma iP7220 also offers a 125-sheet input tray. Energy Star qualified. Manufacturer: Canon, Inc Manufacturer Part Number: 6219B002 Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Canon Product Line: PIXMA Product Series: iP Product Model: iP7220 Product Name: PIXMA iP7220 Wireless Inkjet Photo Printer Product Type: Inkjet Printer Technical Information: Recommended Use: Photo/Disc Print Technical Information: Print Color: Color Technical Information: Wireless Print Technology: Apple AirPrint Technical Information: Duplex Printing: Automatic Interfaces/Ports: USB: Yes Network & Communication: Wireless LAN: Yes Media Types & Handling: Media Type: Luster Paper Physical Characteristics: Form Factor: Desktop Physical Characteristics: Color: Black Package Contents: PIXMA iP7220 Wireless Inkjet Photo PrinterCD/DVD Printing TrayManuals and other documentsSetup CD-ROMSetup Ink TanksPower CordUSB Cable Platform Supported: PC Recycled: No Recycled Content: 0% Post-consumer-waste%: 0% Assembly Required: No
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