Black Friday Online Deals Canon PIXMA MG6420 Wireless Color Photo Printer with Scanner and Copier - White Right Now
If you should compared product functionalities and value. Canon PIXMA MG6420 Wireless Color Photo Printer with Scanner and Copier - White is an excellent choice to shop for. Hot Offer Canon PIXMA MG6420 Wireless Color Photo Printer with Scanner and Copier - White
Price : $129.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Beach Trading Co.
Product ID : 05370e4992cbe2d7baf422934af9a1fc
Rating :
The product functions are exceptional and loaded with premium quality of Canon PIXMA MG6420 Wireless Color Photo Printer with Scanner and Copier - White is the weighty reason that makes it one of the product you shall get possessed. And, it is too friendly budget to your budgets as well. You could view the complete product specification and look into extra offers that have already been upgraded directly from the shop using click the web link here. You might purchase the beneficial deal and you could not refute it, desire you get the wonderful deal.
Canon PIXMA MG6420 Wireless Color Photo Printer with Scanner and Copier - White Description
The PIXMA MG6420 is a superior Wireless Inkjet Photo All-In-One printer delivering great performance and versatility. The MG6420 prints beautiful, borderless photos up to 8.5" x 11" and crisp documents with remarkable quality. The printer has a maximum color dpi of 4800 x 1200 with 2pl technology, five individual ink tanks and the ChromaLife100+ system. And if a color runs out, you only replace the ink tank you need. Plus, the Snap Edge feature allows for quick access to the ink tank for easy replacement. With a 3.0" LCD screen and built-in memory card slots, the MG6420 allows you to preview, edit and print your images right on the printer - no computer needed! The PIXMA MG6420 features the convenience of PIXMA Printing Solutions (PPS) , which lets you print photos or documents from your mobile device. With the cloud printing function you can print directly from select popular online Cloud services, such as, Picasa Web Albums, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, etc., either at the printer itself or with your mobile device using the free PPS app. And with AirPrint, you can print directly from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch wirelessly, no drivers needed. Built-in Wi-Fi technology allows you to print and scan wirelessly from virtually anywhere around your house. The MG6420 also offers Auto Power On, a convenient feature that automatically powers up the printer whenever you send a photo or document to be printed. Full HD Movie Print turns your favorite HD movie clips captured with your compatible Canon EOS Digital SLRs or PowerShot digital cameras and VIXIA digital camcorders into beautiful prints! Plus, the Quiet Mode lets you print anytime without worrying about disturbing those around you. The PIXMA MG6420 comes with My Image Garden software that puts all your favorite printing features, such as Special Filters and Full HD Movie Print, in one, convenient software application. Celebrate your vivid memories by creating custom prints from your treasure trove of photos and videos. My Image Garden also helps you organize your photos with calendar view and facial recognition. Plus, creative templates in various color combinations and patterns help to inspire your photo projects. In addition, you'll have access to CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM where you can download exclusive creative projects and content. Features: ChromaLife100+: This system combines enhanced FINE print head technology with select genuine Canon photo papers and inks for beautiful borderless photos that will last up to 300 years when stored in an archival-quality photo album. Five Individual Ink Tank System: This high performance 5-color ink system consists of four dye-based inks for professional looking photos. A pigment-based black ink produces exceptionally crisp text. Plus, you only replace the color ink tank that runs out. Print Documents and Web Pages Fast: Print documents and web pages with fast speeds of 15.0 images per minute (ipm) for black and 9.7 images per minute (ipm) f
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Canon PIXMA MG6420 Wireless Color Photo Printer with Scanner and Copier - White
Merchant : Beach Trading Co. |
$129.00 |