2014 Black Friday Deals Canon PowerShot SX700 HS 16.1 Megapixel Compact Camera - Red
Canon PowerShot SX700 HS 16.1 Megapixel Compact Camera - Red is extremely good on what it can do. Enable you to save time and money via decide to buy at authentic shops online. Hot Deal Canon PowerShot SX700 HS 16.1 Megapixel Compact Camera - Red
Price : $299.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon, Inc
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : 90d3ea0c304df0ded699fd5d934417db
Rating :
The product functions are outstanding and filled with high quality of Canon PowerShot SX700 HS 16.1 Megapixel Compact Camera - Red is the main factor that gets it one of the item you shall obtain possessed. And, it is too friendly budget to your wallets too. You can see the full product description and visit extra promos that have been updated coming from the shop via click the link below. You can view the beneficial deal and you could not refuse it, wish you get the good offer.
Canon PowerShot SX700 HS 16.1 Megapixel Compact Camera - Red Description
Experience Ultra Zooming Power Whether youre capturing family activities, seeing the sights on vacation, or pursuing your favorite hobbies, youll want the amazing zooming power of PowerShot SX700 HS at your side. With the cameras powerful 30x Optical Zoom, you can get right down onto the field to preserve a big play, reach deep into the forest for spectacular wildlife close-ups, and capture majestic architecture just the way you see it. Whats more, the cameras advanced technology ensures truly impressive quality in every shot, even at the long end of the zoom. The Canon HS SYSTEM - a 16.1 Megapixel High-Sensitivity CMOS sensor and DIGIC 6 Image Processor - provides excellent detail and color in low light. Smart AUTO makes high-quality imaging easy in any situation, and Intelligent IS keeps shots clear and steady. Best of all, built-in Wi-Fi lets you transfer images and video* directly to select social networking sites, mobile devices** and your computer, so you can share from almost anywhere. And simply touch the camera to a compatible Android device*** using built-in NFC (Near Field Communication) for easy wireless connectivity. Manufacturer: Canon, Inc Manufacturer Part Number: 9339B001 Manufacturer Website Address: http://www.usa.canon.com Brand Name: Canon Product Line: PowerShot Product Model: SX700 HS Product Name: PowerShot SX700 HS Compact Camera Product Type: Compact Camera Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: LCD Display & Graphics: Touchscreen: No Display & Graphics: Image Sensor Type: CMOS Image: Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Image: Image Formats: JPEG Video: Video Formats: H.264 Video: HD Movie Mode: Yes Audio: Audio Formats: AAC-LC Lens: Wide Angle: Yes Lens: Image Stabilization: Optical Lens: Focus Modes: Manual Flash: Flash Modes: Flash OFF Memory: Memory Card Supported: Secure D
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