2014 Black Friday Canon RC-6 Wireless Remote for Many EOS Digital SLR's Instantly
Canon RC-6 Wireless Remote for Many EOS Digital SLR's is actually an excellent devices for a really good offer, worth every penny. Extremely pleased. Hot Offer Canon RC-6 Wireless Remote for Many EOS Digital SLR's
Price : $19.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Adorama
Product ID : ae4cb83b60197fc6bc80221892306ac8
Rating :
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Canon RC-6 Wireless Remote for Many EOS Digital SLR's Description
Allows for shutter release up to 16 feet. Wireless camera operation. 2-second shutter release delay. Compatible Models EOS 6D EOS 5D Mark II EOS 5D Mark III EOS 7D EOS 60D EOS 70D EOS Digital Rebel EOS Digital Rebel XT EOS Digital Rebel XTi
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