Black Friday 2014 Canon VIXIA HF R50 9175B001 Black High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder Don't Miss
Finally the Canon VIXIA HF R50 9175B001 Black High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder is quite nicely designed, works perfectly, I definitely notice the pay money for may well worth extra money. Hot Offer Canon VIXIA HF R50 9175B001 Black High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder
Price : $399.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon USA
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Product ID : 6e8adae5f250ac1ca2d501bbcd071153
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The product features are excellent and fulled of excellent of Canon VIXIA HF R50 9175B001 Black High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder is the huge purpose that allows it among the item you will really get purchased. As well as, it is as well friendly-budget to your pockets as well. You could discover the full product summary and look at extra offers that have possibly been improved directly from the shop using click the web link below. You could look for the very cool offer and you could not reject it, want you get the great price.
Canon VIXIA HF R50 9175B001 Black High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder Description
Canon VIXIA HF R50 9175B001 Black 1/4.85" CMOS 3.0" 230K Touch LCD 32X Optical Zoom High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder Digital Zoom: 1140X Memory Card Support: SD / SDHC / SDXC Card Connectors: USB, HDMI, Composite Series: VIXIA Series Dimensions (WxHxD) & Weight: 2.1" x 2.2" x 4.6" Approx. 8.3 oz. (Body, not including grip belt) Approx. 10.1 oz. (Including Battery BP-718, memory card and grip belt) Image Stabilization: Optical System (Lens-shift system) + electronic stabilization Intelligent IS in Auto/Baby mode: Dynamic IS (default) Powered IS Macro IS Tripod Mode IS Modes other than Intelligent IS; Dynamic IS and Powered IS settings can be made manually in Manual/Cinema Mode: Standard IS IS Off Viewfinder: Color EVF Shutter Speed: Movie: 1/2000 sec. Still Image: 1/500 sec.
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