Black Friday Online Deals Canon VIXIA HF R500 9176B001 Black High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder Don't Miss
With the Canon VIXIA HF R500 9176B001 Black High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder you exactly watch the added advantages which usually hook up with you would like, highly recommended it is usually a good product for value.
Price : $299.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon USA
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Product ID : 3549225da110b33b59a22dcd7508d85e
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Canon VIXIA HF R500 9176B001 Black High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder Description
Canon VIXIA HF R500 9176B001 Black 1/4.85" CMOS 3.0" 230K Touch LCD 32X Optical Zoom High Definition HDD/Flash Memory Camcorder Digital Zoom: 1140X Memory Card Support: SD / SDHC / SDXC Card Connectors: USB, HDMI, Composite Series: VIXIA Series Dimensions (WxHxD) & Weight: 2.1" x 2.2" x 4.6" Approx. 8.3 oz. (Body, not including grip belt) Approx. 10.1 oz. (Including Battery BP-718, memory card and grip belt) Image Stabilization: Optical System (Lens-shift system) + electronic stabilization Intelligent IS in Auto/Baby mode: Dynamic IS (default) Powered IS Macro IS Tripod Mode IS Modes other than Intelligent IS; Dynamic IS and Powered IS settings can be made manually in Manual/Cinema Mode: Standard IS IS Off Shutter Speed: Movie: 1/2000 sec. Still Image: 1/500 sec. Focusing System: Focal Length: 2.8-89.6mm 35mm Film Equivalent: Optical Zoom: 38.5-1232mm Advanced Zoom Off: 38.5-1232mm Advanced Zoom On...
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