Black Friday Sale CNM6565B002AA - Canon imagePROGRAF iPF8400 44'' Wide Format Inkjet Printer Right Now
Generally the CNM6565B002AA - Canon imagePROGRAF iPF8400 44'' Wide Format Inkjet Printer is extremely well manufactured, functions amazingly, I positively look into the shop for may be worth the budget.
Price : $7619.49 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant :
Product ID : 0b03c2c07be77629f36914a0b8864ab9
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In the event that you are likely looking to paying for item with a beneficial high quality and a reasonable price. We strongly recommended CNM6565B002AA - Canon imagePROGRAF iPF8400 44'' Wide Format Inkjet Printer is among leading quality and even more prominent product item that you are trying to find. Even if you examine it very carefully concerning product information, functions and practical customer testimonials, certainly you must not refuse to acquire it one. You could take a look at the present price from the hyperlink below.
![CNM6565B002AA - Canon imagePROGRAF iPF8400 44'' Wide Format Inkjet Printer](
CNM6565B002AA - Canon imagePROGRAF iPF8400 44'' Wide Format Inkjet Printer Description
Built for ultra high quality imaging and exceptional performance; this wide format printer is equipped with an array of professional features. The 12 color LUCIA EX pigment ink set produces an incredibly large color spectrum; plus provides better scratch resistance and smoother gradations. Expand printing options and capabilities with the enhanced print plug-in for Adobe Photoshop. The print plug-in includes a new Adjustment Pattern Setting that allows for multiples of an image to be printed at once with different color values implemented and displayed. Media configuration tool improves versatility by allowing customers to utilize existing Canon-branded and third-party media. In the highest print mode; the order of ink application and layering is optimized to maintain the highest print quality with fewer passes; making this mode twice as fast compared to previous models. The iPF8400 is also equipped with a large 250GB hard drive; geared to increase productivity in high volume printing and streamlined workflows; while allowing for faster processing of large files and reprinting jobs directly from the printer.
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