Black Friday Deals Coleman Xtreme C5WP-BK 12MP Waterproof Black Digital Camera Don't Miss
Coleman Xtreme C5WP-BK 12MP Waterproof Black Digital Camera is definitely an excellent items for a incredibly good offer, worth the cost. Awfully satisfied. Hot Offer Coleman Xtreme C5WP-BK 12MP Waterproof Black Digital Camera
Price : $73.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Coleman
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Product ID : f32fb5ec5f790a19f155cdcefb52dc99
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One of outstanding item is include Coleman Xtreme C5WP-BK 12MP Waterproof Black Digital Camera guaranteed by a great deal of comments directly from real users validated that Coleman Xtreme C5WP-BK 12MP Waterproof Black Digital Camera is great and usable item and actually worth the cash that they paid. If you have any concerns regarding the features of the product or want to inspect the existing price of the item. Recently select the hyperlink here, you will discover a budget friendly prices that indisputable.
Coleman Xtreme C5WP-BK 12MP Waterproof Black Digital Camera Description
Take amazing pictures with this Coleman 12-megapixel digital camera. This camera is waterproof up to 33 feet and has a 2.7-inch LCD and a rechargeable lithium battery that can last for hours. Read as a mass storage deviceDisplay: 2.7-inch LCD Resolution: 12 megapixels Zoom: 8x digital Frames per second: 30fps Memory: 16MB integrated, Micro SD card (not included) Picture format: JPG Video format: AVI Interface: USB 2.0 Power: Lithium batteryColor: Black Model: C5WP-BK Included items: Camera, lithium battery, hand strap, camera case, instruction manual, image editing software, USB cable, charger Dimensions: 4.2 inches wide x 2.5 inches high x 1 inch deep Weight: 1 pound
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