Black Friday Online Deals Coleman Xtreme C5WP Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Black) with 8GB Card + Battery + Floating Strap + (2) Cases + Tripod + Accessory Kit
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Price : $99.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Coleman
Merchant :
Product ID : 399ec9a0e8e2f37dc9217c15722c6f44
Rating :

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Coleman Xtreme C5WP Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Black) with 8GB Card + Battery + Floating Strap + (2) Cases + Tripod + Accessory Kit Description
Coleman Xtreme C5WP Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Black) with 8GB Card + Battery + Floating Strap + (2) Cases + Tripod + Accessory Kit Image Sensor: CMOS Image Stabilization: Dual Image Stabilization LCD: 2.7" Self-timer: Yes Focus Type: Auto Auto Focus: Yes Flash Mode: Built-in Viewfinder: EVF
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