2014 Black Friday Crumpler 6 Million Dollar Home Camera Bag (Navy/Rust) Messenger Bags
Crumpler 6 Million Dollar Home Camera Bag (Navy/Rust) Messenger Bags is actually an amazing stuff for a amazing price, worth every dollar. Truly satisfied.
Price : $115.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Crumpler
Merchant : Zappos.com
Product ID : 2448b06b3aee232cd96428c0a4629843
Rating :

The product attributes are outstanding and filled with top-notch of Crumpler 6 Million Dollar Home Camera Bag (Navy/Rust) Messenger Bags is the important idea that takes it one of the product you shall pick up purchased. And, it is as well friendly budget to your pockets also. You could check out the complete product specification and take a look at great promos that have probably been upgraded coming from the store via click the hyperlink below. You could see the amazing deal and you can not deny it, want you get the wonderful deal.

Crumpler 6 Million Dollar Home Camera Bag (Navy/Rust) Messenger Bags Description
Never miss a moment to get that next famous shot with the 6 Million Dollar Home Camera Bag from Crumpler.Made from rugged 900D Cordura exterior with a soft brushed nylon interior and EVA interior dividers.Adjustable shoulder strap allows the bag to be worn over the should or as a crossbody.Neoprene padded top handle offers quick grab-and-go mobility.Rear zippered pocket is perfect for holding your cell phone or small batteries.Dual accessory loops on the sides of the bag allow you to attach smaller items to the outside.Removable tripod straps allow you to easily transport your tripod on the front of the bag.Buckle flap closure keeps the interior securely shut during travel.Interior includes adjustable EVA dividers that can be removed to securely accommodate your camera equipment.Bag is designed to accommodate a DSLR, three to four separate good-sized lenses, one lens and one flash or two bodies and two to three average-sized lenses as well as a 300mm lens.Some of the equipment this bag is designed to hold includes: a Canon Rebel, a Canon 60D, a Canon 7D, a Canon 1D, a Nikon D 5100, a Nikon D90, a Nikon D80, a Nikon D90, a Nikon D700, a Nikon D3x, 15 to 85mm lens, macro lens, 17 to 85mm lens, 35mm lens, 40mm lens, 50mm lens, 70 to 280mm lens, 18 to 200mm lens, 14 to 24mm lens, and 55 to 200 mm lens.Imported. Measurements:Depth: 7 inHeight: 9 inWeight: 1 lb 15 oz
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