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When you have to compared device functionalities and value. This Dedicated E-TTL Speed Light Flash Kit for The Canon EOS 5D Mark 2 3 II III 5DM2 5DM3 6D 7D 60D 60Da 70D DSLR Digital Camera includes Vivitar DF-293 TTL LCD Boun is a great choice to spend money on.

Dedicated E-TTL Speed Light Flash Kit for The Canon EOS 5D Mark 2 3 II III 5DM2 5DM3 6D 7D 60D 60Da 70D DSLR Digital Camera includes Vivitar DF-293 TTL LCD Boun

Hot Offer Dedicated E-TTL Speed Light Flash Kit for The Canon EOS 5D Mark 2 3 II III 5DM2 5DM3 6D 7D 60D 60Da 70D DSLR Digital Camera includes Vivitar DF-293 TTL LCD Boun
Price : $134.89 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Opteka
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Product ID : 6ab1d853818165b4a6fdd866616f47ae
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Dedicated E-TTL Speed Light Flash Kit for The Canon EOS 5D Mark 2 3 II III 5DM2 5DM3 6D 7D 60D 60Da 70D DSLR Digital Camera includes Vivitar DF-293 TTL LCD Boun

Dedicated E-TTL Speed Light Flash Kit for The Canon EOS 5D Mark 2 3 II III 5DM2 5DM3 6D 7D 60D 60Da 70D DSLR Digital Camera includes Vivitar DF-293 TTL LCD Boun Description

Dedicated E-TTL Speed Light Flash Kit for The Canon EOS 5D Mark 2 3 II III 5DM2 5DM3 6D 7D 60D 60Da 70D DSLR Digital Camera includes Vivitar DF-293 TTL LCD Bounce Zoom Flash With LCD Display + Balance

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Dedicated E-TTL Speed Light Flash Kit for The Canon EOS 5D Mark 2 3 II III 5DM2 5DM3 6D 7D 60D 60Da 70D DSLR Digital Camera includes Vivitar DF-293 TTL LCD Boun
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price as of : 2014-11-07