Deals Black Friday On Defender 8CH H.265 500GB Security DVR & 8 Surveillance Cameras w/ IR Cut Filter Right Now
Defender 8CH H.265 500GB Security DVR & 8 Surveillance Cameras w/ IR Cut Filter is really a really good items for a really good offer, worth every penny. Completely joyful.
Price : $479.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Defender
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 020225a65b34645006e7eb83453b46f8
Rating :

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Defender 8CH H.265 500GB Security DVR & 8 Surveillance Cameras w/ IR Cut Filter Description
Trust Defender to make thieves and vandals think twice about approaching your property. Defender systems function just like a computer, with a mouse for pointing and clicking and an intuitive icon-based menu for easy set up and use. View anytime, anywhere with remote viewing via internet, smartphone, and tablet and receive email alerts, with photo, when motion is detected on your property. Record over 2 years' worth of footage on the included 500GB hard drive. Eight all-weather cameras deliver clear, ultra hi-res video with 600TVL for maximum surveillance indoors and outdoors. 36IR LEDs allow for 100ft of automatic night vision. Anti-vandal mount ensures cameras cannot be tampered with and 65ft of cable allows for greater flexibility in mounting around your home or business. Don't give thieves a chance. Stop them with Defender! Extremely Easy to Set Up and Use This Defender system functions just like a computer, with a mouse for pointing and clicking and an intuitive icon-based menu that provides prompts and coaching to assist you in navigating the system. It's even so simple to use it will begin recording as soon as it's plugged in. View Your Camera Footage From Anywhere In The World Whether monitoring your business or home, view your footage live online, anytime and anywhere with PC or Mac. You can also view footage on almost any smartphone, including iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile, or Symbian, as well as on your iPad and most major tablets. Instant Email Alerts If Activity Detected Instantly know if suspicious activity is happening on your property. This Defender system is designed to send you an email alert, complete with photo, if any motion is detected on your property or if any of your cameras experience video loss. IR Cut Filter for Crisp and Detailed Video You Can Rely On Your security system is only worthwhile if you can actually see the person stealing from you. Defender cameras are equipped with 600 TV lines of resolution and an
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Defender 8CH H.265 500GB Security DVR & 8 Surveillance Cameras w/ IR Cut Filter
Merchant : Walmart |
$479.99 | ![]() |