Black Friday 2014 Ads DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21114 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 8 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility
Completely the DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21114 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 8 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility is really well designed, functions perfectly, I actually feel the shop for is really worth any extra budget.
Price : $499.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Defender
Merchant :
Product ID : e20be473d56c6fd1dbd883cb263a2611
Rating :
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![DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21114 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 8 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility](
DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21114 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 8 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility Description
DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21114 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 8 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility Type: Kit Solution Video Input: BNC x 16 Video Output: BNC x 1, VGA x 1 Audio Input: RCA x 2 Audio Output: RCA x 1 Resolution Recording: NTSC : CIF (352 X 240) PAL: CIF (352 X 288) Recording Frame Rate: NTSC:480 fps@CIF PAL:400fps@CIFCIF Recording Mode: Motion Record, Schedule, Always
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