Black Friday Sale DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21115 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 16 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility Right Now
DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21115 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 16 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility available on the market currently, only just check out latest selling prices comparison and shipping accessible for assist you in getting the best bargain.
Price : $649.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Defender
Merchant :
Product ID : 1d8f30f51243c99c0ef1e8b7bc05acc5
Rating :

In the event that you are thinking about to buying item at an excellent quality as well as a practical budget plan. We highly recommended this DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21115 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 16 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility is one of premium and more well-liked item product that you are looking for. Even if you learn it very carefully regarding product specification, functions and practical customer assessments, certainly you should not refuse to get it one. You can check out the current price from the hyperlink here.

DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21115 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 16 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility Description
DEFENDER PRO CONNECTED 21115 16CH H.264 1 TB Smart Security DVR with 16 Ultra Hi-res Outdoor Surveillance Cameras and Smart Phone Compatibility Type: Kit Solution Video Input: BNC x 16 Video Output: BNC x 1, VGA x 1 Audio Input: RCA x 2 Audio Output: RCA x 1 Resolution Recording: NTSC : CIF (352 X 240) PAL: CIF (352 X 288) Recording Frame Rate: NTSC:480 fps@CIF PAL:400fps@CIFCIF Recording Mode: Motion Record, Schedule, Always
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