Deals Black Friday On Dolica WT070 Digital Camera Tripod
Dolica WT070 Digital Camera Tripod available for sale now, take a moment to look at current prices comparison along with delivery readily available for help you to get the best offer. Hot Deal Dolica WT070 Digital Camera Tripod
Price : $5.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Dolica
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Product ID : 9bc0566b49b8fe907eb00b8c92d8863c
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In case that you are likely considering to purchasing product at a great high quality together with a practical spending plan. We extremely recommended Dolica WT070 Digital Camera Tripod is one of high quality and additional preferred product item that you are looking for. Even if you examine it thoroughly about item detail, attributes and handy consumer testimonials, naturally you should not decline to acquire it one. You can inspect the recent price through the hyperlink here.
Dolica WT070 Digital Camera Tripod Description
Dolica WT070 Digital Camera Tripod Max Load: 1.78 lbs. Max Height: 10.63" Leg Sections: 3-section extendable legs with non-skid rubber tip feet. Folded Height: 5.9" Head Mount: Adjustable all-metal ball head Weight: 0.29 lbs. Features: All-metal construction pocket size tripod High quality, portable, and light-weight Adjustable ball head with lock Compatible with point-n-shoot cameras or 35mm cameras. Color: Black
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Dolica WT070 Digital Camera Tripod
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$5.99 |