Black Friday 2014 Drift Innovation HD Ghost Wi-Fi Waterproof Digital Video Action Camera Camcorder with Suction Cup & Handlebar Bike Mounts + 64GB Card + Hard Case + Kit Don't Miss
Drift Innovation HD Ghost Wi-Fi Waterproof Digital Video Action Camera Camcorder with Suction Cup & Handlebar Bike Mounts + 64GB Card + Hard Case + Kit is really nice on just what it totally does. Save you money and time through actually purchase at trusted online retail stores.
Price : $379.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Merchant : Cameta Camera
Product ID : 43133eee91e8b02a05ef876d2f03309c
Rating :

The product features are exceptional and loadeded with excellent of Drift Innovation HD Ghost Wi-Fi Waterproof Digital Video Action Camera Camcorder with Suction Cup & Handlebar Bike Mounts + 64GB Card + Hard Case + Kit is the main reason that allows it among the item you shall acquire purchased. Plus, it is also friendly-budget to your wallets too. You could look at the complete item summary and look at special deals that have really been updated coming from the shop via click the hyperlink here. You may possibly look for the amazing offer and you could not deny it, desire you have the awesome offer.

Drift Innovation HD Ghost Wi-Fi Waterproof Digital Video Action Camera Camcorder with Suction Cup & Handlebar Bike Mounts + 64GB Card + Hard Case + Kit Description
The Drift Innovation HD Ghost digital action camcorder films in full 1080p HD with a playback screen and remote control. It includes an industry-first two-way LED remote control with on/off indicator light video recording/tagging capabilities in continuous loop mode and an integrated 2-inch Gorilla Glass LCD screen. Rugged and waterproof up to 3 meters the HD Ghost includes mounts for use practically anywhere a 170-degree fully rotatable wide-angle lens photo burst mode zoom function optional external microphone night mode and the ability to shoot high-quality slow motion video in 720p / 60fps.
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