Black Friday Sales 2014 Elite Screens Tripod T84UWV1 Portable Projection Screen 2U34663 Right Now
With this Elite Screens Tripod T84UWV1 Portable Projection Screen 2U34663 you just be conscious of the beneficial properties which match you really want, immensely important it is a good product for value. Hot Offer Elite Screens Tripod T84UWV1 Portable Projection Screen 2U34663
Price : $149.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Elite Screens
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 928cbb6824b6c39aef6ccb73c052cb78
Rating :
In case that you are usually considering to shopping for item with a top-notch high quality and also a sensible price. We highly recommended this Elite Screens Tripod T84UWV1 Portable Projection Screen 2U34663 is just one of premium and more popular product item that you are searching for. Also if you study it very carefully about item information, functions and handy consumer comments, of program you need to certainly not decline to get it one. You could examine the recent price through the hyperlink under here.
Elite Screens Tripod T84UWV1 Portable Projection Screen 2U34663 Description
* Free Shipping * The Tripod T84UWV1 Portable Projection Screen is ideal for indoor and outside presentations, this proven and reliable tripod portable projection screen combines precision with the elegance of a traditional design. Its rugged construction will withstand the rigors of daily usage while its adjustable locking ring provides ease in its adjustable height settings.2U34663. 4663. Elite Screens Elite Screens Tripod T84UWV1 Portable Projection Screen. Projection Screens Front Projection: Yes Screen Fabric: MaxWhite Compatibility: Projector Form Factor: Portable Manufacturer: Elite Screens, Inc Product Model: T84UWV1 Diagonal Image Size: 84" Screen Size: 50" Height x 67" Width Viewing Angle: 160 Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Manufacturer Part Number: T84UWV1 Manufacturer Website Address: www. elitescreens dot com Additional Information: Case Color: Black MAXWhite: It is the most versatile and uniform screen surface for front projection and has perfect diffusion for wide viewer distribution. This material is best used when ambient light is controllable and enables unlimited viewing angles with perfect uniformity while giving precise definition and color reproduction. Screen surface is washable with mild soap and water. Flame retardant and mildew resistant. Weight approximate: 20.00 lb
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Elite Screens Tripod T84UWV1 Portable Projection Screen 2U34663
Merchant : Walmart |
$149.00 |