2014 Black Friday EPSON AMERICA S041409 PREMIUM LUSTER PHOTO PAPER 13 Inch X Right Now
With this EPSON AMERICA S041409 PREMIUM LUSTER PHOTO PAPER 13 Inch X you only just begin to see the features that catch up with you really need, strongly suggested it really is a good product for value. Hot Deal EPSON AMERICA S041409 PREMIUM LUSTER PHOTO PAPER 13 Inch X
Price : $69.20 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : EPSON
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
Product ID : f37a53d34861edf6e464a4d473ad39d4
Rating :
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Wedding portrait and school photographers have traditionally used luster paper for their photos. Now Epson offers this popular surface paper Premium Luster Photo Paper to digital printmakers. This instant drying paper produces vivid lifelike images that rival those of traditional silver halide prints. Premium Luster Photo Paper delivers highly saturated prints by offering maximum ink coverage and a high D-Max for true photographic reproductions. Its 10-mil RC base gives prints a photographic feel and keeps the paper cockle-free. Ideal for use with all Epson Inks. Like all of Epson s innovative media this paper is engineered to give you the highest resolution and color saturation possible. As always EPSON supplies guarantees EPSON quality.
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