Black Friday Sale Epson Inkjet Photo Paper 11x17 100 Sheets Right Now
If you should in comparison product abilities and value. This Epson Inkjet Photo Paper 11x17 100 Sheets is the right decision to shop for.
Price : $42.38 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 80454843b300955a48458ea405d19a05
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In case that you are thinking about to shopping for product with a great top quality including a practical price. We extremely advised Epson Inkjet Photo Paper 11x17 100 Sheets is among high quality and even more preferred item product that you are searching for. Even if you learn it meticulously concerning product specification, functions and practical customer evaluations, certainly you should certainly not decline to purchase it one. You can examine the recent price from the hyperlink here.

Epson Inkjet Photo Paper 11x17 100 Sheets Description
Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper is a bright white coated paper ideal for printing newsletter flyers reports or special presentations containing photos or graphics. Its smooth matte finish means you get bright colors and dark text. Perfect for newsletters proposals and flyers with photos.For colorful graphic images and razor sharp black text.Product Type: Presentation Paper.Finishing: Matte.Media Size: Ledger 11 x 17.Color: Bright White.Media Weight: 27 lb.Compatibility: Guaranteed to work with ALL ink jet printers.Media Thickness: 4.90 mil.Packaged Quantity: 100 / Pack.Print Technology: Inkjet.
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