Black Friday Deals Epson Perfection V550 Flatbed Scanner - 6400 dpi Optical Don't Miss
Completely this Epson Perfection V550 Flatbed Scanner - 6400 dpi Optical is perfectly made, works perfectly, I actually experience the shop for is really worth any extra budget.
Price : $168.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Epson Corporation
Merchant :
Product ID : 7d46e3fdf971c7fdd86c792570d32e54
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In the event that you are actually thinking about to purchasing item with an amazing quality along with a reasonable budget. We highly recommended this Epson Perfection V550 Flatbed Scanner - 6400 dpi Optical is just one of leading high quality and additional prominent item item that you are looking for. Even if you study it thoroughly about item description, features and practical consumer testimonials, certainly you should not refuse to get it one. You could check the current price via the web link under here.
![Epson Perfection V550 Flatbed Scanner - 6400 dpi Optical](
Epson Perfection V550 Flatbed Scanner - 6400 dpi Optical Description
Performance. Quality. Versatility. The Epson Perfection V550 Photo features amazing performance and versatility for any project. 6400 dpi resolution ensures images are sharp and vivid, whether youre scanning film, slides, negatives, photos or everyday documents. And, it makes it easy to create enlargements up to 17 x 22. The V550 Photo will automatically upload your scans directly to Facebook, Picasa, popular cloud services and more. Plus, at the touch of a button, you can restore old photos and negatives, thanks to Easy Photo Fix. Or, use DIGITAL ICE to remove the appearance of dust and scratches from film. The V550 Photo features energy-efficient, ReadyScan LED technology for high-speed scanning with no warmup time. Manufacturer: Epson Corporation Manufacturer Part Number: B11B210201 Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Epson Product Line: Perfection Product Model: V550 Product Name: Perfection V550 Photo Color Scanner Product Type: Flatbed Scanner Technical Information: Large Format: No Technical Information: Image Sensor: CCD Technical Information: Scan Color: Color Technical Information: Color Depth: 48-bit Technical Information: Grayscale Depth: 16-bit Technical Information: Media Type: Plain Paper Interfaces/Ports: USB: Yes Physical Characteristics: Form Factor: Desktop Package Contents: Perfection V550 Photo Color Scanner CD-ROM Software Start Here Poster Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Cable AC Adapter Power Cable Film Holders Platform Supported: PC Green Compliant: Yes Green Compliance Certificate/Authority: RoHS Country of Origin: Indonesia
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