2014 Black Friday Epson WorkForce 7610 Inkjet Multifunction Printer - Color - Photo Pri Review
Epson WorkForce 7610 Inkjet Multifunction Printer - Color - Photo Pri is totally reasonable at what it does. Protect you time and money through actually buy at trustworthy sites online. Hot Deal Epson WorkForce 7610 Inkjet Multifunction Printer - Color - Photo Pri
Price : $213.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Epson Corporation
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : d573fb2fba36a72cd406cc325bf23121
Rating :
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Epson WorkForce 7610 Inkjet Multifunction Printer - Color - Photo Pri Description
Powered by PrecisionCore, this fast, A3 all-in-one delivers professional quality and up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. colour laser. 250-sheet capacity; auto 2-sided print/copy/scan/fax. PRECISIONCORE INKJET TECHNOLOGY Introducing PrecisionCore, the next generation of inkjet printing technology. From Professional and industrial-level printers to your desktop inkjet, this ground breaking technology delivers fast printing with superior quality results. A truly innovative system, PrecisionCore features Epsons advanced thin-film piezoelectric (TFP elements, which are produced via a MEMS manufacturing process, using semiconductor micro-fabrication techniques. At the core of this proprietary technology is the PrecisionCore MicroTFP print chip, a digital chip that produces dots at the micron level - 1/100th the size of a human hair. Each nozzle on the printhead delivers up to 50,000 droplets per second. Its this extraordinary focus on accuracy and detail that enables PrecisionCore to deliver revolutionary results, whatever the task at hand. Manufacturer: Epson Corporation Manufacturer Part Number: C11CC98201 Manufacturer Website Address: http://www.epson.com Brand Name: Epson Product Line: WorkForce Product Model: 7610 Product Name: WorkForce WF-7610 Product Type: Inkjet Multifunction Printer Technical Information: Multifunction Devices: Copier/Fax/Printer/Scanner Technical Information: Recommended Use: Photo Print Technical Information: Print Color: Color Technical Information: Wireless Print Technology: Google Cloud Print Technical Information: Duplex Printing: Automatic Interfaces/Ports: USB: Yes Network & Communication: Ethernet: Yes Network & Communication: Ethernet Technology: Fast Ethernet Network & Communication: Wireless LAN: Yes Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: LCD Display & Graphics: T
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