2014 Black Friday Deals Epson WorkForce Pro GT-S85 Document Scanner Right Now
Epson WorkForce Pro GT-S85 Document Scanner is seriously an incredibly good devices with a awesome selling price, worth the cost. Very joyful.
Price : $1058.49 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Epson Corporation
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : 3ee866757b6789f2e57fa4f5838db9fc
Rating :
In the case that you are thinking about to paying for product with an extremely good high quality together with a reasonable budget. We very suggested this Epson WorkForce Pro GT-S85 Document Scanner is one of top quality and more preferred item item that you are looking for. Also if you learn it very carefully about item information, attributes and handy customer reviews, naturally you need to not decline to purchase it one. You could inspect the up-to-date price through the link here.
![Epson WorkForce Pro GT-S85 Document Scanner](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
Epson WorkForce Pro GT-S85 Document Scanner Description
Easy Scanning and Management of Critical Business Documents.The ideal choice for system integrators and document-imaging professionals, the WorkForce Pro GT-S85 offers a powerful scanning solution, featuring speeds up to 80 ipm1 and a duty cycle of up to 3000 sheets. And, it offers an amazing value with a 75-page feeder and powerful Document Capture Pro software. Now its easier than ever to scan, store and manage critical documents. Store a searchable PDF file directly to SharePoint, Google Docs, Evernote or Dropbox with one press of the scan button. The two-line LCD displays the user-defined selected settings label for a more efficient workflow and less operator training. Advanced document capture features like variable color enhancement and color dropout provide top quality images. And, the included TWAIN and ISIS drivers ensure compatibility with your chosen ECM (Enterprise Content Management) software suite. Able to handle everything from business cards to rigid ID cards and documents up to 8.5 x 36, the GT-S85 easily scans both sides of one sheet in just one pass. And, it does so in color, grayscale or bi-tonal. The GT-S85 offers remarkable reliability and quality, fast scanning speeds, robust paper handling capabilities, and an ultrasonic double-feed detection feature, all from a compact, desktop scanner. Manufacturer: Epson Corporation Manufacturer Part Number: B11B203201 Manufacturer Website Address: http://www.epson.com Brand Name: Epson Product Series: GT Product Model: GT-S85 Product Name: WorkForce Pro GT-S85 Document Scanner Product Type: Sheetfed Scanner Technical Information: Large Format: No Technical Information: Image Sensor: CCD Technical Information: Scan Color: Color Technical Information: Color Depth: 48-bit Technical Information: Grayscale Depth: 16-bit Technical Information: Media Type: Business Card Interfaces/Ports: USB: Y
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