Black Friday Deals 2014 Fh762mgm240 Flash Hider Adapter - Flash Hider Adapter Fh762mg Don't Miss
With this Fh762mgm240 Flash Hider Adapter - Flash Hider Adapter Fh762mg you only look at features that will contend with you demand, recommended it really is a good product for value. Hot Deal Fh762mgm240 Flash Hider Adapter - Flash Hider Adapter Fh762mg
Price : $134.10 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Surefire
Merchant : Brownells
Product ID : 5dbcfc98d415d1cebb0543372e4d3f40
Rating :
One of very good item is offer Fh762mgm240 Flash Hider Adapter - Flash Hider Adapter Fh762mg confirmed by a great deal of opinions through real users confirmed that Fh762mgm240 Flash Hider Adapter - Flash Hider Adapter Fh762mg is great and functional item and worth the cash that they paid. If you have any inquiries concerning the functions of the item or wish to check the recent price of this product. Right now select the hyperlink below, you shall locate a affordable prices that obvious.
Fh762mgm240 Flash Hider Adapter - Flash Hider Adapter Fh762mg Description
Enables attachment of FA762MG suppressor to the M240B machine gun. This adapter version functions as a flash hider when the suppressor is removed. NOTE: Installation of this adapter on M240B machine gun requires moving front sight assembly rearward on barrel. ITAR NoticeExport of the commodities described herein is strictly prohibited without a valid export license issued by the U.S. Department of State Office of Defense Trade Controls prescribed in the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) Title 22 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 120-130. Provides rock-solid suppressor attachment in seconds without tools Precise tolerances provide minimal and consistent Mfg: Surefire SPECIFICATIONS Caliber: 7.62 mm (.308) Material: Heat-treated stainless steel Length: 3.93 inches Length added to wpn: 1.7 inches Adapter threads: .7812-24 UNS-3B Color: Black
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Fh762mgm240 Flash Hider Adapter - Flash Hider Adapter Fh762mg
Merchant : Brownells |
$134.10 |