Black Friday Deals 2014 Flash Furniture Contemporary Montana Rocker Recliner in Latte Right Now
All in all this Flash Furniture Contemporary Montana Rocker Recliner in Latte is very well made, goes to work perfectly, I surely look into the pay money for is really worth the extra money. Hot Deal Flash Furniture Contemporary Montana Rocker Recliner in Latte
Price : $423.30 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 1e343d990445d42a286cce3e043d669d
Rating :
One of amazing product is normally include Flash Furniture Contemporary Montana Rocker Recliner in Latte certified by a lot of opinions through real customers verified that Flash Furniture Contemporary Montana Rocker Recliner in Latte is great and functional item and actually worth the cash that they paid for. If you have any sort of problems concerning the features of the item or want to inspect the present price of this product. Just now select the web link here, you shall locate a budget friendly deals that obvious.
Flash Furniture Contemporary Montana Rocker Recliner in Latte Description
Flash Furniture - Recliners - WM8500264GG - Whether you choose this Rocker Recliner because it has great styling, or because it is a great value, you end up with a winner. The plush microfiber suede upholstery is super soft to the touch and very attractive, and the heavily padded back and head-rest supply extreme comfort. (WM-8500-264-GG) Rocker reclinerMade of hardwood, microfiber and suedeHeavily cushioned at all points of contactExtremely reliable hickory springs mechanisms1.8 resiliencySpecifications: Overall Dimensions: 41.5" H x 37" W x 40" - 64" DSeat Size Dimension: 21" W x 21" D
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Flash Furniture Contemporary Montana Rocker Recliner in Latte
Merchant : Walmart |
$423.30 |