Black Friday Online Deals Flash Furniture Hercules Series Banquet Chair in Brown and Copper Instantly
With the Flash Furniture Hercules Series Banquet Chair in Brown and Copper you basically see the extra benefits which will deal with you demand, recommended it is usually a good product for value. Hot Offer Flash Furniture Hercules Series Banquet Chair in Brown and Copper
Price : $51.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 96eb42bb531df3206c17d1f18b5d0d52
Rating :
In case you are thinking about to buying item with an exceptional quality including a reasonable offer. We very suggested this Flash Furniture Hercules Series Banquet Chair in Brown and Copper is among high quality and more preferred item item that you are searching for. Also if you learn it carefully regarding item information, features and helpful consumer assessments, certainly you must certainly not reject to purchase it one. You can look at the recent price from the hyperlink below.
Flash Furniture Hercules Series Banquet Chair in Brown and Copper Description
Flash Furniture - Stacking Chairs - FDBHF2BNGG - This is one tough chair that will withstand the rigors of time. with a frame that will hold in excess of 500 lbs, the HERCULES Series Banquet Chair is one of the strongest banquet chairs on the market. You can make use of banquet chairs for many kinds of occasions. This banquet chair can be used in Church, Banquet Halls, Wedding Ceremonies, Training Rooms, Conference Meetings, Hotels, Conventions, Schools and any other gathering for practical seating arrangements. The banquet chair is also great for home usage from small to large gatherings. For any environment that you use a banquet chair it will put your guests at a greater comfort level with the padded seat and back. Another advantage is the stacking capability that allows you to move the chairs out of the way when not in use. with offerings of comfort and durability, you can be assured that you can enjoy this stacking banquet chair for years to come. (FD-BHF-2-BN-GG) Banquet chair in brown and copperMade of foam, steel and vinylTrapezoidal back designSeamless back panelDouble support bracingNon-marring plastic floor glides1.5" thick seat cushion500 lb. capacity hercules chairCA117 fire retardantLimited lifetime warranty on frameSpecifications: Overall Dimensions: 34" H x 17.5" W x 20.25" DSeat Size Dimension: 15.5" W x 15.75" D
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Flash Furniture Hercules Series Banquet Chair in Brown and Copper
Merchant : Walmart |
$51.99 |