Black Friday Online Deals Flash Furniture Hercules Series Big and Tall Mesh Drafting Stool with Arms, Black Right Now
Flash Furniture Hercules Series Big and Tall Mesh Drafting Stool with Arms, Black readily available for sale today, take a moment to check most current selling prices comparison and delivery suitable for help you to get a huge selection.
Price : $257.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 8ae0c234090a7757116858dfe63bcbc1
Rating :

In the event that you are really searching to buying product with a top notch top quality and a reasonable deal. We extremely suggested this Flash Furniture Hercules Series Big and Tall Mesh Drafting Stool with Arms, Black is one of leading high quality and additional prominent product product that you are looking for. Even if you learn it meticulously concerning item specification, attributes and valuable consumer testimonials, of course you need to certainly not refuse to get it one. You can examine the existing price through the link under here.

Flash Furniture Hercules Series Big and Tall Mesh Drafting Stool with Arms, Black Description
Flash Furniture Hercules Series Big and Tall Mesh Drafting Stool with Arms, Black: Executive high back swivel stool with arms, black 400-lb weight capacity Flexible mesh material Adjustable lumbar support Thick fabric waterfall seat promotes healthy blood flow Locking back angle adjustment Pneumatic seat height adjustment Height adjustable arms Extra-large height adjustable chrome foot ring Heavy-duty black metal base Dual wheel casters CA117 fire-retardant foam Assembly required 2-year manufacturer's warranty on parts Overall dimensions: 27"W x 28.5"D x 44.25"-50"H Seat size: 19.5"W x 18"D x 20"-26"H Seat thickness: 3" Back size: 18"W x 24"H Arm height: 28.5"-37.25"H Model# WL5029SYGAD
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