2014 Black Friday Deals Flash Furniture Hercules Series High-Back Big and Tall Office Chair with Arms Review
When you have to compared item functions and price. This Flash Furniture Hercules Series High-Back Big and Tall Office Chair with Arms is the right choice to decide to buy. Hot Offer Flash Furniture Hercules Series High-Back Big and Tall Office Chair with Arms
Price : $213.51 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 961a710019d96c526fbe9cce10f732ac
Rating :
Along with very good item is include Flash Furniture Hercules Series High-Back Big and Tall Office Chair with Arms approved via a great deal of comments through real customers verified that Flash Furniture Hercules Series High-Back Big and Tall Office Chair with Arms is great and functional item and well worth the money that they spent. If you have any inquiries about the functions of the item or wish to check the up to date price of the product. Just now select the hyperlink here, you shall locate a profitable deals that obvious.
Flash Furniture Hercules Series High-Back Big and Tall Office Chair with Arms Description
FFC1543 Features: Made of Eco-Friendly materials Built-in lumbar support Pneumatic seat height adjustment Spring tilt mechanism Height adjustable arms Capacity: 350 lbs Arm height from floor: 25.5" - 31" Arm height from seat: 6.5" - 9" Color/Finish: Chrome finished base Dimensions: Seat dimensions: 22" W x 20" D Back dimensions: 26" H x 22" W Overall dimensions: 42.5" - 45.5" H x 29" W x 29" D
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