Black Friday 2014 Deals Flash Furniture Hercules Series Ladder Back Bar Stool in Burgundy
Flash Furniture Hercules Series Ladder Back Bar Stool in Burgundy for your purchases recently, absolutely notice latest selling prices comparison plus delivery accessible to help you to get the hottest deal.
Price : $109.87 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 1890fdf2bfded8aebe09b5075f71da83
Rating :

The item attributes are exceptional and loadeded with excellent of Flash Furniture Hercules Series Ladder Back Bar Stool in Burgundy is the weighty reason that takes it among the product you would acquire bought. In addition to, it is too friendly-budget to your budgets too. You can check the complete item description and have a look at wonderful promotions that have recently been up-dated from the store using click the web link below. You might search for the very cool deal and you could not deny it, want you get the awesome price.

Flash Furniture Hercules Series Ladder Back Bar Stool in Burgundy Description
Flash Furniture - Bar Stools - XUDGW0005BARLADCHYBURVGG - Wood Bar Stools can make a lasting impression when setting up seating from intimate to casual. The commercially constructed stool makes it ideal in Restaurants, Hotels, Pool Halls and Lounges. Additionally bar stools can really give you additional functionality and enjoyment in your home. To make your guests even more comfortable the seat is padded in a durable, easy to clean, vinyl upholstery. The tubular foot rest not only supports your feet, but acts as an additional reinforcement that helps secure the legs. The solid beech hardwood construction makes this product very durable to provide years of use. with all of its attractive features this stool will provide the perfect complement to any commercial or residential setting. (XU-DGW0005BARLAD-CHY-BURV-GG) Restaurant bar stool with burgundy seatMade of foam, vinyl and woodLadder style backTwo curved support barsMortise and tenon style construction with screw reinforcementsFoot rest rungFloor glides2.5" thick 1.4 density foam padded seatDesigned for commercial use and suitable for home useCA117 fire retardantSpecifications: Overall Dimensions: 43.75" H x 16.75" W x 19" DSeat Size Dimension: 16.75" W x 16.75" D
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