Black Friday Sales 2014 Flash Furniture Hercules Series Stacking Church Chair in Beige Don't Miss
Flash Furniture Hercules Series Stacking Church Chair in Beige is very awesome on what it really absolutely does. Help you save time and money via purchase at authentic retail stores online. Hot Offer Flash Furniture Hercules Series Stacking Church Chair in Beige
Price : $82.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 4e8019a39e555128109a7174754b905d
Rating :
The product attributes are outstanding and loadeded with high quality of Flash Furniture Hercules Series Stacking Church Chair in Beige is the significant idea that takes it among the item you would really get owned. Plus, it is likewise friendly budget to your pockets as well. You can find the complete item detail and look into extra promos that have really been upgraded directly from the shop via click the link below. You can buy the beneficial deal and you could not refute it, desire you get the amazing price.
Flash Furniture Hercules Series Stacking Church Chair in Beige Description
Flash Furniture - Stacking Chairs - XUCH60096BGEGG - This HERCULES Series Church Chair will add elegance and class to any Church, Hotel, Banquet Room or Conference setting. If you are looking for a chair with comfort and style that is easy to move and stores away with ease, then look no further. This built to last chair has a 16-gauge steel frame that has been tested to hold 800 lbs. This church chair features double support bracing, ganging clamps, a cushion that graduates to a 4.25" thick waterfall edge and plastic floor glides to protect non-carpeted floors. Our church chair is manUFACtured by one of the most reputable stack chair manUFACturers in the industry, you can be assured of the quality of this chair offered to you. (XU-CH-60096-BGE-GG) Beige patterned fabric stacking church chairMade of fabric, foam and steelWaterfall seat reduces leg strainBook pouch on back16 gauge frameGanging clamps4.25" thick waterfall edgeCA117 fire retardantLimited lifetime warranty on frameSpecifications: Overall Dimensions: 32.25" H x 18.5" W x 23" DSeat Size Dimension: 18.5" W x 17" D
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Flash Furniture Hercules Series Stacking Church Chair in Beige
Merchant : Walmart |
$82.99 |