Black Friday Online Deals Flash Furniture Mid-Back Leather Overstuffed Office Chair in Black
Flash Furniture Mid-Back Leather Overstuffed Office Chair in Black readily available for sale now, take a moment to find most current prices comparison plus delivery suitable for assist you in getting the best selection.
Price : $140.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : c8e0728e41818cc2aa5ca8313534eda9
Rating :

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Flash Furniture Mid-Back Leather Overstuffed Office Chair in Black Description
Flash Furniture - Office Chairs - GO724MMIDBKLEAGG - When comfort is as important as design, look no further than this Overstuffed Executive Leather Office Chair from Flash Furniture. Featuring a Mid-Back contemporary design, gorgeous leather, and a comfortable seating experience, the object you desire can be had. (GO-724M-MID-BK-LEA-GG) Black leather overstuffed office chairMade of foam, leather, PU, nylon, steel and woodOverstuffed padded seat and back and padded loop armsBuilt-in lumbar supportTilt tension controlSpring tilt control mechanismWaterfall seat promotes healthy blood flowPneumatic seat height adjustmentDual wheel castersCA117 fire retardantSpecifications: Overall Dimensions: 38" - 41.75" H x 26.5" W x 29.5" DSeat Size Dimension: 20.25" W x 20.75" D
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