Black Friday Sales 2014 Flash Furniture Mid-Back Ribbed Upholstered Leather Executive Office Chair Don't Miss
Flash Furniture Mid-Back Ribbed Upholstered Leather Executive Office Chair is totally good for precisely what it does. Help you save money and time with actually buy at reliable sites online.
Price : $168.85 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 43b0cfd72d409bd1d0a0d2773f7a681b
Rating :
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![Flash Furniture Mid-Back Ribbed Upholstered Leather Executive Office Chair](
Flash Furniture Mid-Back Ribbed Upholstered Leather Executive Office Chair Description
Flash Furniture Mid-Back Ribbed Upholstered Leather Executive Office Chair: Elegant design High back swivel chair Integrated coat rack on back Foam molded seat and back Built-in lumbar support Dual paddle control Locking knee-tilt control mechanism Pneumatic seat height adjustment Polished aluminum arms Polished aluminum base Dual wheel casters LeatherSoft upholstery LeatherSoft is leather and polyurethane for added softness and durability CA117 fire retardant foam Assembly required 2-year manufacturer's warranty on parts Overall Dimensions: 28"W x 28"D x 36.75"-39.75"H Seat Size: 17.25"W x 18"D x 18.5"-21.5"H Seat Thickness: 1" Back Size: 17.25"W x 18.75"H Arm Height: 26.5"-29.5"H
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