Black Friday 2014 Flash Furniture Vibrant Computer Task Chair with Tractor Seat Don't Miss
Flash Furniture Vibrant Computer Task Chair with Tractor Seat is actually awesome for what it really can do. Enable you to save money and time via buy at trusted retail stores online. Hot Deal Flash Furniture Vibrant Computer Task Chair with Tractor Seat
Price : $44.91 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : ab5c1868aadd0285819dad5737eea98b
Rating :
One of amazing product is offer Flash Furniture Vibrant Computer Task Chair with Tractor Seat authorized through a great deal of feedbacks coming from real consumers verified that Flash Furniture Vibrant Computer Task Chair with Tractor Seat is really excellent and useful product and benefit the money that they spent. If you have any type of concerns regarding the attributes of the product or desire to inspect the up to date price of the product. Just now click on the hyperlink below, you will locate a really good deals that certain.
Flash Furniture Vibrant Computer Task Chair with Tractor Seat Description
Flash Furniture Vibrant Computer Task Chair with Tractor Seat: Tractor designed task chair Molded "tractor" seat High density polymer construction on tractor seat and back 5.5" height range adjustment Pneumatic seat height adjustment Chrome frame and base Dual wheel carpet casters Assembly required 2-year manufacturer's warranty on parts Overall Dimensions: 17"W x 16.5"D x 29.25"-34.75"H Seat Size: 17"W x 15"D x 20.25"-25.75"H Back Size: 14"W x 10.5"H
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