Black Friday 2014 FUJIFILM 15719395 Superia 200 Color Film Roll
If you should in comparison gadget characteristics and cost. The FUJIFILM 15719395 Superia 200 Color Film Roll is a great choice to shop for.
Price : $7.85 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 24e2138e93cb3ee1ee96897e6175d651
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The item attributes are excellent and loadeded with quality of FUJIFILM 15719395 Superia 200 Color Film Roll is the huge purpose that allows it one of the item you would really get possessed. In addition to, it is as well friendly budget to your budgets too. You could look the complete item summary and have a look at amazing offers that have already been upgraded through the site via click the web link below. You might possibly see the amazing offer and you could not reject it, desire you have the very good price.
![FUJIFILM 15719395 Superia 200 Color Film Roll](
FUJIFILM 15719395 Superia 200 Color Film Roll Description
FUJIFILM 15719395 Superia 200 Color Film Roll Type: FILM & DARKROOM Specifications: Speed: ISO 200 Film Formats: 35mm Number of Exposures: 24 Processing Method: CN-16, CN-16Q, CN-16FA, CN-16L, CN-16S Features: Designed for flexibility and ease of use, Superia 200 works equally well outdoors in daylight or indoors with flash. Enhanced color reproduction, sharpness, and smooth, fine grain. Parts: 1 year limited Labor: 1 year limited
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