Black Friday Sale FUJIFILM FinePix S9400W 16408254 Black 16.2 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera Review
FUJIFILM FinePix S9400W 16408254 Black 16.2 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera is really a beneficial items for a beneficial price, worth the cost. Totally satisfied. Hot Offer FUJIFILM FinePix S9400W 16408254 Black 16.2 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera
Price : $372.47 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 1f5ce68712d5f7ccc1bffb785c2b4813
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One of superb item is feature FUJIFILM FinePix S9400W 16408254 Black 16.2 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera certified by a great deal of reviews from real users confirmed that FUJIFILM FinePix S9400W 16408254 Black 16.2 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera is extremely great and useful item and well worth the money that they spent. If you have any type of questions regarding the attributes of the item or want to inspect the current price of this item. Recently click the hyperlink here, you will find a nice offers that undeniable.
FUJIFILM FinePix S9400W 16408254 Black 16.2 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera Description
FUJIFILM FinePix S9400W 16408254 Black 16.2 MP 50X Optical Zoom 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera Image Sensor: 1/2.3" CMOS Aperture: F2.9 / F8.4 (Wide) F6.5 / F7.8 / F19.0 (Telephoto) with ND filter Image Stabilization: Lens shift type LCD: 3.0" 460K Max. Recording Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Battery Life: Alkaline batteries : approx. 300 frames (AUTO mode) Ni-MH rechargeable batteries : approx. 500 frames (AUTO mode) Lithium batteries : approx. 700 frames (AUTO mode) Series: FINEPIX S Series Dimensions (WxHxD) : 4.8" x 3.4" x 4.6"
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