Black Friday Online Deals FUJIFILM instax mini 50S 16102240 Instant Print Camera
With this FUJIFILM instax mini 50S 16102240 Instant Print Camera you only just look at amazing benefits which usually deal with you need, strongly recommended it is a good product for value.
Price : $95.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 758bae7dccd447f474c043e0639a220d
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With one another top-notch item is include FUJIFILM instax mini 50S 16102240 Instant Print Camera certified by a great deal of reviews from realistic consumers confirmed that FUJIFILM instax mini 50S 16102240 Instant Print Camera is excellent and usable product and worth the money that they paid. If you have any concerns regarding the attributes of the item or want to examine the up-to-date price of this item. Just now click the hyperlink below, you will certainly find a great deals that certain.

FUJIFILM instax mini 50S 16102240 Instant Print Camera Description
Fujifilm 16102240 Fujifilm fuji instax mini 50s camerapiano black Color: Black Specifications: Film: Fujifilm Instant Color Film "instax mini" Picture size: 62 x 46mm Lens: Move in/out type lens, 2 components, 2 elements, f=60mm, 1:12.7 Viewfinder: Real image finder, 0.37x , with target spot Focusing: Motor-driven 2-range switching: 0.6 - 3m/3m - infinity, Shooting range: 0.6m - infinity, Landscape Mode (3m - infinity) Shutter Release: Programmed electronic shutter release, 1/3 - 1/400 sec. shutter speeds, 2 shutter buttons (vertical shooting/horizontal shooting) Exposure control: Automatic, Interlocking range (ISO 800) : LV5.0 - LV15.5, Exposure compensation (Lighten-Darken Control) : +/- 2/3EV Film Feeding Out: Automatic Flash: Built-in, Automatic electronic flash, Auto mode (Intelligent Flash for Brighter Backgrounds) , Fill-in Flash Mode,0.2 - 5sec. recycle time (when new batteries are used) , with flas...
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