Black Friday Online Deals Fujitsu ScanSnap S1300i Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical Review
If you should compared gadget benefits and price. Fujitsu ScanSnap S1300i Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical is a reasonable decision to get.
Price : $270.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Fujitsu
Merchant :
Product ID : b70f72abcb68a5753103b6cec2f6576a
Rating :

The product features are superb and loaded with quality of Fujitsu ScanSnap S1300i Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical is the weighty factor that allows it among the item you would acquire bought. And also, it is too friendly-budget to your budgets also. You can see the full product description and look at special offers that have already been improved through the store using click the hyperlink here. You may locate the beneficial offer and you can not refuse it, want you have the good deal.

Fujitsu ScanSnap S1300i Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical Description
Stack. Scan. Simple! The portable ScanSnap S1300i provides PC and Mac users the tools to be productive and paperless...anywhere. Manufacturer: Fujitsu Manufacturer Part Number: PA03643-B005 Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Fujitsu Product Line: ScanSnap Product Model: S1300i Product Name: ScanSnap S1300i Portable Color Duplex Scanner for PC and Mac Product Type: Sheetfed Scanner Technical Information: Large Format: No Technical Information: Image Sensor: CIS Technical Information: Scan Color: Color Technical Information: Media Type: Plain Paper Technical Information: Media Size: Custom Size Interfaces/Ports: USB: Yes Physical Characteristics: Form Factor: Desktop Package Contents: ScanSnap S1300i Portable Color Duplex Scanner for PC and Mac1 x USB Cable1 x AC Adapter1 x AC CableUSB Bus Power Cable1 x Getting Started1 x Safety Precautions1 x Software DVD Platform Supported: PC Green Compliant: Yes Green Compliance Certificate/Authority: RoHS
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