2014 Black Friday GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Blue Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology, FM Radio and Flip up Lenses - GKV302C-BLUE Don't Miss
With the GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Blue Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology, FM Radio and Flip up Lenses - GKV302C-BLUE you basically look at the features that will get together with you need to get, suggested it is actually a good product for value.
Price : $249.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc.
Merchant : Advance Auto Parts
Product ID : 61d9e1849e271100a61ae273f38ef1b3
Rating :
In case you are usually considering to ordering item at an extremely good top quality and also a practical offer. We strongly suggested this GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Blue Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology, FM Radio and Flip up Lenses - GKV302C-BLUE is just one of premium and additional well-liked product item that you are trying to find. Even if you learn it very carefully about product information, functions and handy customer testimonials, obviously you need to not refuse to acquire it one. You could take a look at the existing price from the link here.
![GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Blue Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology, FM Radio and Flip up Lenses - GKV302C-BLUE](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Blue Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology, FM Radio and Flip up Lenses - GKV302C-BLUE Description
Technologically advanced hands free and wirelessCrystal clear Bluetooth capability2 Gig Flash Drive for huge mass storageFM Radio and MP3Flip Up lenses with lens pack - three additional lenses included Technologically advanced for the optimum in hands free and wireless enjoyment, this product offers it all. Our design incorporates flip up lenses that are Polarized and 100% UV coated with Crystal Clear Bluetooth capabilities, MP3 Player and FM Radio. Our speakers are designed with the use of BiNaural Technology for the richest listening experience. In addition to this you get a 2 Gig flash drive to store over 500 songs or any other mass storage need. Beautifully gift boxed, everything you need is included: Carrying case, additional lenses, car charger, wall charger, USB cable and micro fiber cleaning cloth. Most Glasses & Sunglasses products are available for in-store pickup from Advance Auto Parts.
Right before you get GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Blue Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology, FM Radio and Flip up Lenses - GKV302C-BLUE, you ought to take a look at the attributes of the item, building material performance, advantages and disadvantages of the item so efficiently. By studying customer reviews of this item, you should review numerous customer reviews. The authentic customers experience of these products will aid you make a decision carefully, reasonably without purchasing mistake and well worth for the valuer.