2014 Black Friday GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Silver Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology and Flip-up Lenses - GKV302B-SILVER Review
Can be a safe in comparison item attributes and cost. This GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Silver Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology and Flip-up Lenses - GKV302B-SILVER is the right choice to buy.
Price : $199.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc.
Merchant : Advance Auto Parts
Product ID : 3952d77365d06134fd2b54521c2b98cc
Rating :
Along with exceptional product is include GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Silver Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology and Flip-up Lenses - GKV302B-SILVER verified from a bunch of comments directly from real buyers verified that GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Silver Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology and Flip-up Lenses - GKV302B-SILVER is really great and usable product and actually worth the cash that they paid. If you have any sort of problems concerning the functions of the item or wish to check the latest price of this product. Exactly click on the hyperlink here, you will find a reasonable deals that obvious.
![GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Silver Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology and Flip-up Lenses - GKV302B-SILVER](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Silver Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology and Flip-up Lenses - GKV302B-SILVER Description
Technologically advanced hands free and wirelessCrystal clear Bluetooth capability2 Gig Flash Drive for huge mass storageMP3 PlayerFlip Up lenses with lens pack - three additional lenses included Technologically advanced for the optimum in hands free and Wireless enjoyment, this product offers it all. Our design incorporates flip up lenses that are Polarized and 100% UV coated with Crystal Clear Bluetooth capabilities and MP3 Player. Our speakers are designed with the use of Binaural Technology for the richest listening experience. In addition to this you get a 2 Gig flash drive to store over 500 songs or any other mass storage need. Beautifully gift boxed, everything you need is included: Carrying case, additional lenses, car charger, wall charger, USB cable and micro fiber cleaning cloth. Most Glasses & Sunglasses products are available for in-store pickup from Advance Auto Parts.
Before you acquire GK Vessa Lifewear, Inc. Silver Sunglasses with MP3 Player, 2 GIG Flash Drive, Bluetooth Technology and Flip-up Lenses - GKV302B-SILVER, you need to look at the features of the item, material efficiency, pros and cons of the product so well. By researching customer reviews of this item, you need to examine numerous customer reviews. The real individuals experience of these items shall guide you determine correctly, rationally without purchasing error and worth for the valuer.