Black Friday 2014 GoPro HERO3 White Edition Waterproof Camcorder Don't Miss
GoPro HERO3 White Edition Waterproof Camcorder on sale now, take a moment to see latest prices comparison along with shipping suitable for get you the best offer.
Price : $269.73 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : GoPro
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Product ID : d409c4b425ebd4d2d9a051f7fa620b98
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Along with very good product is include GoPro HERO3 White Edition Waterproof Camcorder verified by a bunch of reviews coming from actual customers validated that GoPro HERO3 White Edition Waterproof Camcorder is great and functional item and really worth the cash that they paid for. If you have any type of inquiries about the features of the item or desire to inspect the recent price of the product. Just click on the link here, you will find a really great prices that certain.

GoPro HERO3 White Edition Waterproof Camcorder Description
The Hero3 White Edition camera is a sports camcorder that is waterproof to 131 feet, has built-in Wi-Fi and HD, enhanced audio and take stunning still images, new UI, smalller, lighter and is wearable and gear mountable and more Quality video at 1080p at 30fps, 720p at 60fps, 960p at 3fps0 and WVGA 60 resolutions and frame rates5 megapixel still images capture burst photos at 3 frames per secondThe reduced distortion lens has a flat lens waterproof housing for beautiful pictures above and below water. A ultra sharp fixed ?/2.8 6 aperture element aspherical glass ultra wide angle lensImproved is the wind noise reductionBuilt-in Wi-FiMemory: MicroSD class 4 or higher required, microSD class 10 required for 0.5 timelapse, up to 64GB capacity supportedCompatible with all GoPro mounts and with LCD Touch BacPac and the second generation Battery BacPac. Backwards compatible with older generation BacPacsRechargeable lithium-ion batteryModel: CHDHE-302One of the many differences between the CHDHE-301 and CHDHE-302 model, is that, this model CHDHE-302 has a smaller casing and improved built-in Wi-FiIncluded items: 131 feet waterproof housing, rechargeable li-ion battery, quick release buckle, 1 curved adhesive mount, 1 flat adhesive mount, USB cableWeight: 2.6 ounces camera only. 4.8 ounces camera and housing
If you need useful information about the advantages and disadvantages related to GoPro HERO3 White Edition Waterproof Camcorder. The easiest method is you can see it through the customer reviews regarding this item. The real experiences of users that using the items that how they give score for this item and what they satisfied and dissatisfied relating to this item. One of the most important is this item is able to be used exactly as you wish or not. This is among the crucial info you should learn.