2014 Black Friday Deals GoPro Protective Lens and Covers Right Now
GoPro Protective Lens and Covers is very high quality at just what it really does. Keep you money and time with actually buy at responsible retail stores online.
Price : $19.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : GoPro
Merchant : Moosejaw
Product ID : d018d47663ab779a70532ac4d743921c
Rating :

The product attributes are exceptional and loadeded with quality of GoPro Protective Lens and Covers is the significant reason that makes it among the product you would obtain possessed. And also, it is as well friendly-budget to your wallets too. You could watch the complete item description and take a look at exclusive deals that have already been up-dated through the shop using click the web link here. You may view the very cool offer and you could not refute it, want you have the awesome offer.

GoPro Protective Lens and Covers Description
FEATURES of the GoPro Protective Lens and Covers Protective Lens: Helps guard the lens from dirt - dust and scratches while using the camera outside the housing Camera Lens Cover: Helps protect the camera lens from dirt - dust and scratches Standard Housing Lens Cover: Helps protect the housing lens from dirt - dust and scratches Replacement Battery Door: Replacement battery door for your GoPro camera Replacement Side Door: Replacement side door for your GoPro camera Great for use with The Frame mount (sold separately) or handheld shooting with just the camera Compatible with all HERO3 and HERO3+ cameras What's Included Protective Lens Camera Lens Cover Standard Housing Lens Cover Replacement Battery Door Replacement Side Door SPECIFICATIONS of the GoPro Protective Lens and Covers Dimensions (H x W x D) : 8.5 in. x 6.02 in. x 0.51 in. / 21.5 x 15.5 x 1.3cm Weight: 0.06 lbs / 31 grams This item is NOT eligible for High Altitude Rewards Point bonuses - Rewards Promotions - or Affiliate Cash Back. Please don't hate us. This product can only be shipped within the United States. Please don't hate us.
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