Black Friday Sales GW 16 CH Hybrid High Definition DVR (4TB) 4Ch 1080P HDSDI & 12Ch D1 Motion Detect Smartphone Compatible CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recorder Review
GW 16 CH Hybrid High Definition DVR (4TB) 4Ch 1080P HDSDI & 12Ch D1 Motion Detect Smartphone Compatible CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recorder is actually nice at the things it actually does. Save you time and money via purchase at authentic sites online. Hot Offer GW 16 CH Hybrid High Definition DVR (4TB) 4Ch 1080P HDSDI & 12Ch D1 Motion Detect Smartphone Compatible CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recorder
Price : $831.69 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : GW Security Inc.
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Product ID : 2b5c2a160d98531463b1854f26b6d01c
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GW 16 CH Hybrid High Definition DVR (4TB) 4Ch 1080P HDSDI & 12Ch D1 Motion Detect Smartphone Compatible CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recorder Description
GW 16 CH Hybrid High Definition DVR (4TB) 4Ch 1080P HDSDI & 12Ch D1 Motion Detect Smartphone Compatible CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recorder Supported Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, PPPoE, DHCP, DDNS, FTP Network Interface: 2 RJ45 10M / 100M / 1000M Video Output: 1 x BNC, 1 x VGA, 1 x HDMI Audio Input: 16 x RCA Frame Rate: 30 Fps Per Channel Compression Format: H.264 Recording Type: Motion Detective / Always / Manual / Schedule / Alarm Video Setting: Support Up To 1000 TV Lines Cameras
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