Black Friday 2014 Deals GW 4 Channel 960H D1 DVR (500GB HDD) + 2 Hidden Camera Security System 600 TVL Surveillance CCTV Kit, HDMI & VGA Video Output, PC iPhone iPad & Android Viewable Right Now
GW 4 Channel 960H D1 DVR (500GB HDD) + 2 Hidden Camera Security System 600 TVL Surveillance CCTV Kit, HDMI & VGA Video Output, PC iPhone iPad & Android Viewable is actually high quality for the things it definitely does. Protect you money and time through decide to buy at trusted stores online.
Price : $314.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : GW Security Inc.
Merchant :
Product ID : 2ec300e5c717f9d3eb2c5a7c2cedbe2f
Rating :
In the case that you are usually considering to buying item at an extremely good quality including an acceptable budget. We strongly suggested GW 4 Channel 960H D1 DVR (500GB HDD) + 2 Hidden Camera Security System 600 TVL Surveillance CCTV Kit, HDMI & VGA Video Output, PC iPhone iPad & Android Viewable is among high quality and additional preferred item item that you are trying to find. Also if you examine it carefully concerning product description, features and practical customer testimonials, certainly you have to not decline to get it one. You could take a look at the up-to-date price from the link below.
![GW 4 Channel 960H D1 DVR (500GB HDD) + 2 Hidden Camera Security System 600 TVL Surveillance CCTV Kit, HDMI & VGA Video Output, PC iPhone iPad & Android Viewable](
GW 4 Channel 960H D1 DVR (500GB HDD) + 2 Hidden Camera Security System 600 TVL Surveillance CCTV Kit, HDMI & VGA Video Output, PC iPhone iPad & Android Viewable Description
GW 4 Channel 960H D1 DVR (500GB HDD) + 2 Hidden Camera Security System 600 TVL Surveillance CCTV Kit, HDMI & VGA Video Output, PC iPhone iPad & Android Viewable Type: Kit Solution Video Input: BNC x 4 Video Output: BNC x 1, VGA x 1, HDMI x 1 Audio Input: RCA x 4 Audio Output: RCA x 1 Resolution Display: 960H / D1 / CIF Display Frame Rate: 120 Fps Real Time (30 each channel) Resolution Recording: 960H / D1 / CIF
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