Black Friday Deals GW 8 Channel DVR 1TB HDD Motion Detective D1 Resolution HDMI & VGA Video Output iPhone Android Viewable Standalone CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recor

GW 8 Channel DVR 1TB HDD Motion Detective D1 Resolution HDMI & VGA Video Output iPhone Android Viewable Standalone CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recor for sale currently, absolutely check last prices comparison plus delivery readily available for help you to get the hottest deal.

GW 8 Channel DVR 1TB HDD Motion Detective D1 Resolution HDMI & VGA Video Output iPhone Android Viewable Standalone CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recor

Hot Deal GW 8 Channel DVR 1TB HDD Motion Detective D1 Resolution HDMI & VGA Video Output iPhone Android Viewable Standalone CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recor
Price : $215.05 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : GW Security Inc.
Merchant :
Product ID : c10cc8df67381d2a220930a9f9cfb518
Rating :

If you are really looking to ordering product with an awesome high quality and an affordable budget. We very recommended this GW 8 Channel DVR 1TB HDD Motion Detective D1 Resolution HDMI & VGA Video Output iPhone Android Viewable Standalone CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recor is one of premium and additional prominent product product that you are trying to find. Also if you study it carefully regarding product specification, attributes and valuable customer reviews, certainly you should not reject to acquire it one. You could check the up-to-date price from the link here.

GW 8 Channel DVR 1TB HDD Motion Detective D1 Resolution HDMI & VGA Video Output iPhone Android Viewable Standalone CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recor

GW 8 Channel DVR 1TB HDD Motion Detective D1 Resolution HDMI & VGA Video Output iPhone Android Viewable Standalone CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recor Description

GW 8 Channel DVR 1TB HDD Motion Detective D1 Resolution HDMI & VGA Video Output iPhone Android Viewable Standalone CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recorder Supported Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, PPPoE, DHCP, DDNS, FTP Network Interface: 16 bit true color graphical menu interface Video Output: 1 x BNC, 1 x VGA, 1 x HDMI Audio Input: 8 x RCA Frame Rate: 30 Fps = Real Time Compression Format: H.264 Compression Format Recording Type: manual > alarm > motion detect > timing Remote: Yes

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GW 8 Channel DVR 1TB HDD Motion Detective D1 Resolution HDMI & VGA Video Output iPhone Android Viewable Standalone CCTV Surveillance Security Camera Video Recor
Merchant :
price as of : 2014-11-07