2014 Black Friday GW HD-SDI High Definition 8 Channel DVR (2TB HDD) 1080P & 720P HDMI Video Output, Support Android phone iPhone iPad, H.264 Surveillance CCTV Security Camera Dig Instantly
Over all the GW HD-SDI High Definition 8 Channel DVR (2TB HDD) 1080P & 720P HDMI Video Output, Support Android phone iPhone iPad, H.264 Surveillance CCTV Security Camera Dig is extremely well manufactured, operates wonderfully, I surely experience the purchase online will be worth the budget.
Price : $639.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : GW Security Inc.
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : c9925e5b8918104186f11b19bdfa8d3c
Rating :

The product features are exceptional and fulled of premium quality of GW HD-SDI High Definition 8 Channel DVR (2TB HDD) 1080P & 720P HDMI Video Output, Support Android phone iPhone iPad, H.264 Surveillance CCTV Security Camera Dig is the major factor that gets it among the product you will certainly really get had. And also, it is too friendly-budget to your budgets too. You could look at the complete item information and look into extra deals that have actually been improved from the shop through click the hyperlink below. You might possibly buy the interesting deal and you can not deny it, desire you get the very good deal.

GW HD-SDI High Definition 8 Channel DVR (2TB HDD) 1080P & 720P HDMI Video Output, Support Android phone iPhone iPad, H.264 Surveillance CCTV Security Camera Dig Description
GW HD-SDI High Definition 8 Channel DVR (2TB HDD) 1080P & 720P HDMI Video Output, Support Android phone iPhone iPad, H.264 Surveillance CCTV Security Camera Digital Video Recorder Supported Protocols: Lan, DHCP, Dynamic IP and DDNS Network Interface: 1 x RJ-45 Video Output: 1 x BNC, 1 x VGA, 1 x HDMI Audio Input: 8 x RCA Frame Rate: Real time 30 frame per second Compression Format: H.264 Recording Type: Motion detect / Continuous / Manual / Sensor / Alarm Video Setting: 1080P & 720P High Definition
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