Black Friday 2014 Hammaka Tripod Stand with Net Chair Combo Instantly
With this Hammaka Tripod Stand with Net Chair Combo you just recently look at features that hook up with you really need, highly recommended it is usually a good product for value.
Price : $199.98 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Kings Pond
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 572d736841dbace8a2212f71a3279cf4
Rating :
If you are usually taking into consideration to getting product with an awesome quality along with a sensible budget. We extremely advised Hammaka Tripod Stand with Net Chair Combo is one of top quality and even more preferred product product that you are searching for. Even if you learn it thoroughly about product information, functions and useful consumer testimonials, obviously you have to not reject to get it one. You could inspect the recent price through the hyperlink under here.
![Hammaka Tripod Stand with Net Chair Combo](
Hammaka Tripod Stand with Net Chair Combo Description
There's a simple charm to the Hammaka Tripod Stand with Net Chair Combo, and the only way to really experience it is to just spend an afternoon swinging away in the zero-gravity comfort of this convenient chair and stand. The chair is crafted from 100% cotton with a hardwood spreader bar that creates a roomy sling for sitting or reclining. The tripod stand is made from lightweight aluminum with a powder-coated finish that helps prevent rust and corrosion. Telescoping legs and a no-hassle design let you set it up and tear it down quickly, making it ideal for camping or family outings. About Hammaka Hammaka products, now brought to you by King's Pond, are designed to provide a comfortable getaway from all of life's stresses. It all started with the Original Hammaka Hammock Chair, but the wide variety of luxurious chairs is constantly growing in order to give you the perfect fit. You can also put your mind at ease, as well as your body, knowing that Hammaka has gone green by using renewable materials and environmentally responsible manufacturing processes committed to recycling and energy conservation. Relaxing and convenient hanging chair system 100% cotton chair with powder-coated aluminum frame Ideal for travel or home use Assembles easily and quickly Weight capacity: 350 lbs Dimensions: 72L x 72W x 96H in.
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Hammaka Tripod Stand with Net Chair Combo
Merchant : Walmart |
$199.98 | ![]() |